ah sucks..
been boring for me.. always sleeping in the morning... today was the first day back to school.. cant sleep on sunday night... went to bed at 2am and finally slept at 7am.. fuck... got up at 11 and went to school.. tiring and boring day... first day back, dont really care about what's happenening in school.. went for first lecture and skip the other for lunch... went back home with a shag feeling.. bath and sleep... wake up to watch tv drama and soccer.. feeling so very fucked up man... sometimes i feel like having a gf.. but i prefer being single... but the more i think of it, mah past haunts me.. but the fact in reality is that the way of life the other is living now and the circle of friends and stuffs just cant make me fit in... kindda sucks.. bad feeling coming back again man... fuck..
waH BorInG aRh...
damn damn damn damn boring man... holiday liao nothing to do!!! sians... everyday sleep late late wake up late late nothing to do.. hate this feeling man... sian man never apply scv or not at least can stay at home watch world cup.. arh... went to loon's hse ytd night watch 2 matches.. along with han and yap... haaa.. france match was totally crap... kaylong match! lol... henry and his sissy kicks.. haaa... brazil's match was at least better.. the samba boys... wOooo.. watch until 5am then went to kopitiam makan... after that home sweet home.. so cold... raining raining and raining.. hai... boring days..
siAn sIaN SiAn...
hmmm.. holiday start loh... haaa.. went to ktv on thurs straight after last paper... together with loon, py and markus.. haaa... it was fun.. and markus the shouting kid... every song he sings is just shouting! lol.. on fri went down to kw's chalet meet them... basically i go down is nothing to do.. at there sit awhile den go makan... after that watch ger vs crc den go home.. on sat went down again cause its the main event... kw celebrate birthday.. quite alot of ppl... but the same thing.. reach there sit in the room see them play game... den eat abit.. cut cake... all sit in the room watch soccer.. replay somemore... wah damn sian man.. either play winning eleven or watch soccer... wth.. basically i feel like i dun really have the kind of connection i used to have with those guys... just a damn sian feeling.. sit until 12+ i really bth already went home... sun sleep until afternoon.. wake up do nothing... slack watch tv.. hate this life... den after that 10+ went to clarke quay met up with jason, wilson, hm, ben and his gal, dennis and his gal.. can say got around 2-3 yrs never hang out with them already... this time is dennis going to ns on wed so just meet up.. after that head down to fishermen's makan watch soccer... had a little drink.. den after that home sweet home... wah damn sians man.. tml after cut hair dunno what to do... FUCKING BORING FULL STOP
fUn dAy... =p
hmmm.. went through netfund quiz and oop lab test... think im gonna flunk mah lab test.. shit man... damn stressful.. this morning was like so shag like the normal mornings i had... after 3 hrs of lab, 2 hrs of lecture went out to kopitiam to makan with the rest.. nice weather... dark clouds cover the sun.. wind blowing... shiok mans.. after that went back to sch... just nice reach sch raining.. then here's the fun part of the day... cause we got nothing to do for the remaining time.. markus suggested to compete who get the most girl's no. during the time... haaa.. but in the end i suggested we play open numbers... the one who kena do extreme stunt.. lol... the first time kena peng yee.. lol... asked him to get a gal's no. .. but in the end cause he like jay zhou... asked him to go to the bridge entrance there and shout "WO SHI ZHOU JIE LUN!!!"... lol.. he really did that... wahahaha.. we laughed like fuck... den play second time.. he kena again... haaa.. suggested he wear helmet den from engine block run to library wave to us den run back... that was like the most funny part.. we all drop dead laughing... haaa.. den the third time was me.. i had a watch on mah wrist, but i approached a girl and show her mah watch.. den ask her what time is it... lol... den loon kena.. i ask him take 50 bucks go ask a girl got 500 ten cents to change anot... lol.. after that i kena again... had to run from blk 1 to blk 21 and shout "HoooOOOoOOo"... wahahaha.. fucking hell... and the last part.. told peng yee to take out maths textbook... den go study area ask the people how to do the example question.. then ltr say "oh nvm.. the example got show me..." lol... everyone laughed like fuck today.. and we shall continue on the next term thurs! wahaha... had a best day since.. wahahaha....