

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Wish List

argh.. mah wish list that needs to be accomplished...

  1. 1 Bape tee, 1 Stussy tee, 2 Stage tee.. (Stussy World Tour Bought.)
  2. 2 Levis' jeans.. (Levis 503 Bought.)
  3. 1 Nike dunk, 1 Adidas (Nike Airforce1 '07 Bought)
  4. 1 DKNYwatch..
  5. finally 1 GSR400..


Monday, January 15, 2007

it's 0 7...

school works are piling up.. feeling so fucking stress... no money to spend.. WTF? damn... since the day i had chicken pox mah money kept flowing out like water.. spend this spend that... damn it.. no money to buy clothes and stuffs for cny... fuck.. dad's going to HK next week... i've got to do everything in the house.. boring... having fever and giddiness.. owned.