24.12.06 - 25.12.06...
hmmm... its been raining since the past few weeks.. waited for the rain to stop on christmas eve... met up with jl, jj and slip to have dinner and slack at airport.. haaa... hate to be in town at the point of time.. damn crowded... gf come find me at around 1+ and we went to suntec after that to watch movie.. watched "Night At The Museum"... as the time interval was more than an hour we end up sitting at the fountain there slacking.. haaa... managed to watch the whole show even though it was late late midnight.. haaa... its a nice show if you guys wanna laugh.. with ben stiller in it, its definitely funny! after that sent gf home and went back home slack awhile more have mac breakfast... haaa.. gonna shop for new clothes and stuffs for the new year... hoho..M
today is a total piece of crap. i hate this date. i hate this day. plan and mood all spoiled. wtf is wrong with me? i just wanna shout.. MOTHERFUCK! motherfuck today. motherfuck i shouldnt have gone out. motherfuck i should have slept late. motherfucking bloody piece of shit. im being treated like a piece of crap. relationships dont go by how long it last. it goes by how motherfucking fast it ends without regarding how long it last. i hate it. have u ever been treated invisible? have u ever been like a fool in the public? have u ever had the most fucked up feeling? not more than me. cause motherfuck im feeling worse today. FUCK U!
so long nv blog again.. haaa... nothing much has happened anyway.. term test is next week but guess what... im still in holiday mood and slacking.. shit man... well got mahself a new phone finally.. 7610 was the longest phone i've ever used man... cant believe it.. haaa... anyway got mahself a pearl black n80.. saw the promo so grabbed it fast! wahaha... cool phone anyway.. and damn long nv do shopping already... gosh.. lots of things i wanna buy... argh..that's mine!~